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Dutch Ripple Frames

In 2019, we started designing a Flamleisten machine which could create ripple and wave mouldings. It took three years of research, development, and building to have the machine we have today. It copies the designs dated from the late 16th Century/ early 17th Century. At the bottom of this page is a video of how we make them.


We use Swiss Pear timber which is passed through the machine multiple times, then we apply a special mix of black ebonised polish to create a glass like finish.

This style of frame is instantly recognisable as a Dutch Ripple frame due to their use by the Dutch painters in the 16th and 17th century but the machines originated in Germany most probably Nuremberg and came to be known as the Flammleisten or flame moulding.

To the right is a video showing the manufacture of a Dutch Ripple frame for artist  Sarah Margaret Gibson. 

At that time, it was the largest Dutch Ripple we had made and it was quite a challenge. We added offset corners to make the piece more unique, along with a gilded inner slip. 

You can see in the video the Swiss Pear going through the machine, as it passes, the cutter carves the timber and makes the 'basket weave' pattern.

Our machine can also create the wave pattern shown on the offset corners. On this Dutch Ripple, there are four different patterns all made by different cutters. 

Our replica working Flamleisten.


Welshpool - Wales

Unit 2 Offa’s Dyke Business Park
Fisher Road
SY21 8JF

Telephone: 01938 554985

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